Task-1 Manual Testing

  1. What are different types of testing?


    *performance and load testing

    *Regression Testing

    *System Testing

    *Integration Testing

    * Smoke Testing

    * Unit Testing

  2. What are different types of STLC phases?

    *Requirement Analysis

    *Test Planning

    *Test Design

    *Environment Setup

    *Test Execution

    *Test Closure

  3. As a manual tester? what qualifies do you possess? provide example to illustrate your points?

    As a manual tester to identify the defects and ensure that the software applications meets the company quality standards.

    As qualifies that are

    *Technical Skills


    *Analytical Thinking

    *Communication Reporting

    *Risk Assessment Ability

    *Time Management

  4. What is the difference between Waterfall and Agile methodologies in SDLC?

    Waterfall Model

    \ It is linear sequential development* process.

    *It is difficulty for the testing team to initiate any change in needs.

    * Test plan is reviewed after the development.

    \Waterfall model has the team may* consist more members.

    *Waterfall model works well in smaller size projects where requirements are easily understandable. But waterfall model is not suitable for developing larger projects.

    \Customer interaction in the waterfall model is very less. Because the product is delivered to the customer after overall version is deployed to the*


    \waterfall model is rigid it does not allow* changing the requirements even after starting the development process.

    *The software quality and requirement is not evaluated until the final phase of the development processes when testers and customer feedback is requested.

    *The process is documented and follows a fixed structure and requirements agreed in the beginning of the process.

    Agile Model

    * It is iterative development in sprint process.

    * Testing team is take part in the requirements change phase without problems.

    \Test plan is reviewed after complete* each sprint.

    * It has a small team size. As smaller is the team the fewer people work on it so that they can move faster.

    * Customer interaction in agile is very high. Because after every iteration an incremental customer.

    * Agile model is not suitable for smaller projects. The expenses of developing the smaller projects using agile is more than compare to other models.

    * Agile model is flexible and to modify once the development process there is a possibility of starts .

    * Sprints lead to short build updates that are evaluated on and guide the future development processes.

    * Flexible and adaptive methodology.